Monday 20 August 2012

Beach :)

Toni came to visit me on Wednesday and stayed until Sunday. I had a great time with him, as I always do. Now that he's gone I feel so lonely, as I always do. But ofc we did have time to do stuff :)

On Thursday we took a trip to Malmö. We went by the Sci-Fi Bookstore and I got myself two new Abercrombie-books (Best Served Cold and Heroes), The Hunger Games and the first season of Sherlock on DVD. After that we had some time to kill so we took a walk down by the beach. I walked around in the water for some time, but Toni stayed on the beach :P After some time we walked back to the city to go to the cinema. We saw The Dark Knight Rises and it was just as awesome as everyone says. That's the third superhero movie we've seen together: The Avengers, The Amazing Spider-Man, The Dark Knight Rises. Some pictures from the day:

On Friday I had to work so Toni stayed at home gaming all day and I spent the day wishing I could go home. When I got home I had pizza waiting for me, and cuddles ofc ;) Great end to an otherwise quite tough and boring day. My dad got the idea that we should try and sell madkaps this year. Yeah, right. Love and I had them on for some time and then gave up when people started walking around the stand and not making contact.

On Saturday we didn't really have anything planned. But we took a trip to the festival. It was 30 degrees outside and terribly sunny. After a walk through the festival, some nachos and some churros, we decided to go back to the beach we had been at on Thursday. None of us had thought of going there beforehand so ofc we didn't have any swimwear or towels. But we walked around in the water for some time, Toni too this time around :) And got to watch the sunset :D  Some pictures from the day:

On Sunday Toni dyed my hair. That was long overdue. I promise a picture on Sunday at the very latest :) Spent the rest of the day gaming. Toni tried the original Rayman on a GBA for my DS, while I tried out the expansion pack for The Sims Medieval that I just had discovered (yes, I'm slow with these things). I walked Toni to the station in the sweltering heat and left the station with that big empty hole that comes every time he leaves or I leave him. The rest of the evening I spent gaming.

Today I've been keeping myself somewhat busy. I got up relatively early, cleaned up a bit, rehearsed some Japanese and played the game for some hours. Well spent day according to me.

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